Wednesday 26 September 2007

Consorting with the enema

A few weeks ago I had to have a barium enema. It's not the most pleasant experience to have but at least it wasn't painful like the sigmoidoscopy, just rather embarrassing. I wonder if there is an enema fetish club? Maybe I could sell them my pics.
"Please turn this way madam, bottom in the air...fabulous!"
"Now the other side...careful with the tube!"
"If you want to let anything out just go ahead."
"Lovely....just hold it there for a moment."
"Try not to look so serious...excellent! It's a wrap!"
Porn for poo fans.

Once again it was interesting to actually see one's insides (this time in x-ray). "Of course it is very low-dose radiation, and completely safe," they assured me as they huddled behind their protective screen.

Afterwards I told Bert that the doctor had advised us not to engage in anal sex for a while unless he wanted to end up with a glow-in-the-dark dick. He looked quite shocked. "Really?"

No, not really.


lynneguist said...

You are terrible...

Tilly said...

yeah, better not show Phil!